Friday 24 June 2016

Message set # 4 Living Asma ul Husna WhatsApp group

Importance of the Knowledge of  The 99 Names of Allah 

Message #15-19

Message # 15

*Hadith on 99 names of Allah*

Hadith  _"Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. Whoever *ahsaha* will enter Paradise."_  (Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

The word *Ahsaha* in the hadith, is commonly found to be translated as memorizes, that is not a true translation. For one thing to memorize we should know the exact 99. But in the Hadith while Rasulallah (SAW) mentioned that "AlIah 99 Names" He never told which ones are THE 99. How can we memorize 99 Names to enter Paradise when we don't know which ones are the exact 99 ?

Therefore we must look at the much deeper meaning of "Ahsaha"

*Ahsaha* actually has 3 components in it:
1. knows, ponders and understand their meanings,
2. invokes to Allah by using them to make dua, Praise & worship Him
3. and acts by them according to one's belief in them

It can be seen here that understanding the meaning of the word *ahsaha* is crucial to the correct understanding of the Hadith

Message # 16

*So then what about the 99 Names list we know of ?*

As mentioned earlier, Allah has infinite names, all of which are beautiful and Best. Out of those infinite are 99 to be found in Quran and Hadith, which are the *Best of the Best*

The list most commonly found is just an estimated guess, infact not all scholars agree upon them. Which makes our endeavor to know and understand even more important, noble and crucial to raise the quality of our Ibadah.

Message # 17

*Calling upon Allah using His Perfect Names*

As Allah says in the Quran in *Surah Al A'raf 7:180*

وَلِلّهِ الأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى فَادْعُوهُ بِهَا
And to Allah belong the Best Names, so invoke Him by them.

*Surah Ghafir 40:60*

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ
And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you."

*Ibn Al Qayyim* said: Making Supplication Allah's name has 2 levels:
🔆 *Supplication of Praise and Worship* (i.e. Glorify and Praise Allah frequently through Adhkar taught us by our dear Prophet Muhammad (SAW)  He doesn't need it, but He is Pleased with it. Because, when we Praise Him we are worshiping Him)
🔆 *Supplication of Requesting and Asking* (When people ask too many favors from us we don't like it, But Allah loves to be asked favors or requests from. He waits for us to ask Him for our needs, wishes and desires)

Message # 18

*Number 1 Eemaan Booster*
Scholars say, there is no science that causes an increase in Eeman as much as the knowledge of the Names of Allah.

For us Eemaan may increase in many different ways, BUT the fastest and quickest way to boost Eemaan, (like high dose medicine for instant relief  is the Knowledge of Allah.....

How can we *Worship Allah* if we don't know who Allah is?
How can we *Love Allah* if we don't know who Allah is ?
How can we *Fear Allah* if we don't know who Allah is ?
How can we *put our trust in Allah* if we don't know who Allah is ?

*To Know, Recognize and Understand the Magnificence and Power of Allah is a Central tenant of Eeman & Tawheed.*

Message # 19

*Knowledge of the Names and Attributes of Allah leads to a type of:*
 _Consciousness  &  Humilty_ in us.

Every name and every attribute causes us to increase our Eemaan in a different way & Allah will give us what we ask for IF WE ASK HIM USING HIS APPROPRIATE NAME & ATTRIBUTE

*Al Jabbar* _The Restorer_ Will fill up any weaknesses we may have

*An Nur* _The Light_ Will Fill our heart with the Nur of Eemaan

*Al Basit* _The Expander & The Reliever_ Will Open the way for us give us what we need in abundance

*Al Wahhab* _The Constant Giver of Gifts_ Will keep giving us what we don't expect and don't deserve

*As Sami'* _The All Hearing_ Who waits for us to call on Him & Will Hear us whenever we reach out to Him

*Al Fattah* _The Openner_ Will Open all barriers and closed doors for us

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