Dream Duas

 What are your Dream Duas......?

We always need to be in remembrance of Allah and make dua to him........But we may not always have the best words to express our thoughts feelings our pleas. This is my journey in.....
  • Discover the beauty of closeness to Allah by empowering my duas with the beautiful names of Allah
  • Improve my relationship with Allah and I invite others to join me in this noble endeavor. 
  • Learn to word duas in a way that makes my heart beat faster
  • Taste true humility and submission in front of Al Mujeeb The Resposive, The One Who Listens, Responds and Answers all prayers  
My Dua box, Dua Diary and Inspirations!

" May Allah the Al Wahhab the Bestower and Al Mu'izzu The Honorer guide me to experience the flavor of  sincere Dua Ameen"  

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