Thursday 9 February 2017

Message set # 5 Living Asma ul Husna WhatsApp group

Dua Expectations & Dua Samples

Message # 20-22

Message # 20

*REMINDER:* whenever we read the names of Allah we should also make dua to Him..... Cause it's like calling out His name, getting His attention but then not asking him for anything..... He is the one who LOVES to give, yet we get stingy in asking....

An essential of making dua is not to only ask for what we feel is achievable, but also to ask for what we feel is impossible...... Cause there is no limit to Allah's bounties....

We shouldn't put a cap on our duas..... Let them soar .... Cause Allah responds to ALL duas in one of these 3 ways


2.Not now
3.I'll give you something better than this

Also if we feel our duas are not being accepted, it is recommended in Ahadith & by scholars to increase istagfar

Following are examples of how we can use Allah's names in our Duas

Message # 21

*Dua for Spouse*

❣* Ya Lateef* (The Most gentle) *Ya Mujeeb* (The One who Hears & Grants Duas) shield, increase, protect & preserve the love, mercy & barakah between my spouse & I, for as long as we live.

❣ *Ya Salaam* (The Source of Peace) *Ya Wadood* (The Most Loving) improve our behavior with each other striving to gain your pleasure.

 ❣ *Ya Mujeeb* (The One who Hears & Grants Duas)  *Ya Sami'* (The All Hearing) enable us to remind each other of You in all that we do....O Allah grant us to be the garment of our souls

❣ *Ya Nur ul Hadi* (The Light - The One who Guides) make the Quran & Your Commands the basis of our dealings

❣ *Ya Hakam* (The Giver of Justice) Be our Judge in all Matters......

❣ *Ya Mu'minu* (The One who Gives Eeman) Make us practice the Sunnah of your beloved Prophet (SAW) in our daily matters. Allow us to elevate each others Eeman and walk towards holding hands in the dunya as well as in Aakhirah

Ameen Ya Rabb ul Aalameen

Message # 22

*RIZQ* Please note that Rizq is not only food and sustenance and Financial needs..... Rizq  is anything provided to us by Allah...  our Health, our Senses, our Aqal, Wisdom, Good Manners, Eeman, Taqwah, Mercy in our Hearts, Love for each other, kindness, generosity & much much  more

So call upon Allah using His names to Grant us all Sustenance especially the one we are in need of the Most!

*Dua for Provision & Rizq*

Be in a constant sate of Istaghfar to Al Ghaffar All Forgiving and Ar Rahman ur Raheem The Entirely Merciful and Continuously Merciful

Call upon
*Ar Razzaq* (The Provider) To provide sustenance from His Endless Treasures
*Al Muhaimin & Al Muqtadir* ( Authority of Good and Bad) & (The Controller of all His Creation) To ease the difficulty and bring good from this seemingly bad situation
*Al Jabbar* (The Restorer) to Restore what seems to be diminishing
*Al Hafeedh* (The Preserver and All Protecting) to protect and preserve your family
*Al Fattah* (The Opener) To open the doors of His Mercy and Provisions
*Al Barr* (The Source of Goodness) Top bless your home with what you need as there is no end to the Goodness he can bless us with!
*Al Mujeeb* (The One who responds) To answer your duas for only Him do we Worship and only Him do we ask Him for help
*Al Ghaniyy* (The Self-Sufficient & The Wealthy) To fulfill your needs for He is Independent but we are entirely dependent on Him
*Al Kareem* (The Most Generous) To make arrangements to ease the difficulty from His Bounties
*Ya Sami'* (The One who Hears) I appeal to You Hear my Dua, Hear my Cry, Hear my Plea, Hear my Request
*Ya Dhul Jalaali Wal Ikram* The Lord of Majesty & Generosity None is Greater or More Generous than so I ask for Your Karam

Ameeen Ya Rabb

Message # 22

*Dua for Family & Children*

💞 *Ya Hafeedh Ya Aziz* (The One who Protects & The All Mighty) save me and my entire family from the Fire and make us enter Janna tul Firdaus without being accounted....

💞 *YA ALLAH* make our children want to walk on your path without compulsion on their own accord...... Make them want to seek YOU with us! as we grow and learn together

💞 *Ya Khairur Rahimeen* (The Best of those who have Mercy) Shower your Rahmah on them and Bless them in this life and the Hereafter making them the reason for our place in Jannah and Shield against the Hellfire

💞 *Ya Nur ul Hadi* (The Illuminator , The One who Guides) fill our hearts with the love of Your beloved.... Rasulullah (SAW) and make us of the ones who remind each other of following His Sunnah every day......

💞 *Ya Qawiyy Ya Azeez* (The All Strong, The All Mighty) assist us with physical and emotional strength to be good parents valuable example to our children......Ameen

 💞 *Ya Hafeedh Ya Raqeeb* (The Disposer of Affairs & The Watchful) Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives

💞 *Ya Jami* (The Uniter) Unite our mind and our Hearts in all matters

💞 *Ya Mumin Ya Muqtadir* (The One who gives Eemaan and Security, All Powerful over His Creation ) Make them the BEST Sadqa e jariah for me and my husband..... Make them among those who establish Salah and follow and obey ONLY YOU

💞 *YA ALLAH* Make our children workers for Your deen, Make them an embodiment of the Quran....... with it's knowledge in their hearts and serene obedience in their actions

💞 *Ya Qaabidu Ya Baasitu* (The Constrictor, The Reliever)protect our childrenfrom any harm, sickness, disbelief, harm or destruction.

💞 *Ya Wali* (The Protecting Friend) help them understand the value of Suhba tus Salih (The company of the pious)

💞 *Ya Hadi* (The One who Guides) Guide them to steer away from loose talk and bad company

💞 *Ya Hakeem Ya Lateef* (The Wise, The Most Gentle) Grant them wisdom to use their tongue wisely, their words gently & Make our children the source of coolness to our eyes

💞 *Ya Rahman u Ya Raheem* Shower your Mercy upon them to enable them to make their choices based on Taqwah and actions that seek Your Pleasure  

💞 *Ya Dhul Jalaali wal Ikram* (The Possessor of Glory & Honor ... The Lord of Majesty & Generosity) Grant them success in The Deen, Dunya & Aakhirah.......

💝*Ameen Ya Rabbul Aalameen*💝

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