Friday 24 June 2016

Message set # 1 Living Asma ul Husna WhatsApp group Intro and Rules

Intro, Rules, Suggestions & Tips

Messagegs # 1- 3

Send each message separately.

Intro Message # 1

Assalamo alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, my dearest sisters in Islam. May Allah enable us all to live with and by His names Ameen.
This group is for us to better acquaint ourselves with ALLAH as he deserves to be known.......... to :
🔵reflect and Praise Him
🔵humble ourselves completely in front of Him
🔵surrender and submit to in Him with Sincerity in Obedience
🔵call onto Him as he deserves to be called upon
🔵use His names to make dua which is best suited for the dua to add more meaning to our Dua
May Allah bless this journey from negining to end and give us Istiqamah in completing it, and benefiting from it in all aspects of our lives........Allahumma Ameen

Rules Message # 2

*Group Rules*   📢📢

❣Please read all Rules and Suggestions
❣Keep the group on mute
❣This is a study group, NOT a chatting group
❣To enable everyone to be access notes for each Ism (1 name) ul Husna, it would be best to have no or limited comments
❣Comments are only allowed when they compliment the understanding of the Allah' s name being discussed, OR if you've have a beautiful and beneficial dua to share using the name being discussed
❣If a dua is shared and one, just say Ameen yourself, if a participant replies with an Ameen it should suffice for all. Please send individual Ameen
❣If you have a question regarding a particular lesson shared, please wait for the reply as we have members from many different time zones
❣You can privately message me about any questions/concerns you may have, to limit extra messages on the group.
❣If your question is of benefit to others ,I will Inshallah share in as part of the reflections on the group

*Please note* Effort has been made to keep the messages as short as possible for ease of reading, there will be some exceptions

Suggestions Message # 3


☪These are recommended for your own benefit, BUT are not compulsory.

☪You can choose to use the shared resources as best suits you

💕It is highly recommended to have a special notebook/pretty diary where you can note down some important notes from here
💕There will be some printable, shared which you may print and store in a binder along your notes .
💕Please bare the volume if messages in the first few days, as this is the beginning there might be a few more messages till there is better flow and rhythm in the group.
💕Read the lessons shared carefully to try to absorb them so we can all start"Living by the Beautiful Names of Allah" daily.

Allahumma Ameen

Tip Message # 4 (use if needed)

*Tip 1*

If you would like to save a particular message for easy viewing later on, you can start the message.

Messages you Star can be seen separately without having to scroll through all the messages.

Here's the guide to ⭐a message

*Tip 2*

🔊🔊 This is a diverse group, some sisters will be doing it with their kids, so there will be some ideas and resources shared for them too

If you have anything beneficial to share plz private message me so I can share it with the appropriate lesson Inshallah!

Lessons will commence tomorrow Beidhnillahi Ta'Allah

NEXT Message set # 2 Living Asma ul Husna WhatsApp group

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I pray you found this beneficial.......please share your dua or comment to spread inspirations.