Saturday 18 January 2014

Rabbi Zidni Ilma

Oh Allah increase me in knowledge....

Dua a simple act that we perform unconsciously many times in the name of wishing for things. How unfortunate that we don't always direct our wishes towards Allah.......the only way to make it come true !

Subhanallah........for the longest time i have felt dissatisfaction and lack of depth in my duas. Not being able to figure out what is it hat I am missing, Alhumdolillah by the Grace and Mercy of Allah I and some of my friends have joined Muhammad Al Shareef's Visionaire online course. It is not a Fiqh of dua course but a self development course.

We all need to renew our relationship with Allah as Shaitan, dunya, responsibilities and distracions constantly attack our heart, making it rusty.

Time for WD40 for the heart, Muhammad Al Shareef Style............

So this here is going to be my personal diary of what I learn, what I discover, what I plan, how I change, how I improve my relation ship with Allah... BEIDHNILLAH

Do share your thoughts, view point sand comments.

Hoping to share and learn and gain even more from your responses and being not only pro active but diligent and sincere in my duas. Ameen

Praying that you all benefit from this experience.... Ameen.

Let's be the change and take our duas to another level..... Inshallah !

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I pray you found this beneficial.......please share your dua or comment to spread inspirations.