Tuesday 3 March 2015

Empower your Dua with the 99 Names of Allah


The concept of starting your dua by calling out to Allah by His Attributes brings about an unexplainable excitement and adds an extra beat to the heart....... Such a dua is by all means more heart felt.

For example: Maintaining Tahajjud is a heart felt dua for me, so .......

"Ya Al Mujeeb The Responder to Prayer....... Make me among the ones who seek you through Tahajjud......May you find me bowing to You when You Al Muta'ali The Supreme One  descend to the lowest Heaven in the last part of the night"


"May Allah Al Muhaiman The Guardian..... Guard protect and preserve our family"


" Ya Al Fattah The Opener..... open my heart to your words..... Allahumma Faqaihni fiddeen O Allah grant me understanding of the Deen"


"Ya Al Haqq  The AbsoluteTruth make me the one who does watawasauw bil huqq-  who believes truth (haq) and recommends it to others ...Ameen"

To achieve that power in the Duas one needs to KNOW the Names of Allah and their meanings so as to use the most appropriate names for the particular dua.

It's so strange and almost shameful how I never thought of doing that before.........

More strange is the fact that I never gave that emphasis on remembering and understanding the meaning of each attribute besides memorizing the Beautiful Names of Allah.

As Arabic is such an eloquent language, the translations hardly do any justice to the Magnificent names of Allah...... Therefore I am hoping to do some comparative study of different translations and make my own chart of the most accurate and heart felt meaning Inshallah. 

Better yet! Invite your family members and friends to join in this blessed endevour.

Here is a pdf download copied from Islamicity

This chart is my favorite, you cut and join them as one long wall poster or file it. 

The following posts can be used for ones own self and/or children from Iman Homeschool & Rahmah Muslim Homeschool :

Names of Allah Matching Cards find the remaining sets on the blog

Trace & practice 1-99 Names of Allah

Review Sheets find the remaining on the blog

Get the printable download for this tree here

Names of Allah Bulletin Board and Progress number line excellent for kids competing with each other

Next I want to take notes from the following videos Inshallah.

The Barakah of Allah's name.....

The Names and Attributes of Allah by Yasir Qadhi

A 26 Part series covering the Asma ul Husna by Dr Bilal Philips. The following is the 1st part

May Allah The An Nafi' The Benefitter enable me in this undertaking Ameen.  

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